Yesterday I found out that I, along with many others were to be a tour guide for the students during their field trip. This scared me quite a bit. How many kids? What am I to say? I need to brush up on my history. I was pretty much freaking out thinking that I would do horrible as a tour guide.
8:00am the tour guides are standing at the gates holding signs with the name of our grades on it. I had the fourth grade group. I didn't think it would be but maybe about 20 kids at most. Wrong! I had 4 teachers and 84 children! The whole time I am freaking out inside afraid that I will mess up and get their lunch time wrong, or they wouldn't learn anything or that they would be bored.
Boy, was I wrong! I prayed for God to guide me, and that is exactly what He did.
At one point, I got scared when the 84 kids started lining up in front of me and looking at me. Then I realized that it was "follow the leader" and I was that leader.
They danced, learned many new things, got their lunch on time, made a craft and were on their busses with ten minutes to spare.
1,000 or so kids came through the gates today. 1,000 more will come tomorrow. The teachers remained calm and we made it through!
"I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me."
Philippians 4:13