For the past year and a half I have really felt God working in my life. Sometimes I talk, sometimes I listen and sometimes in the quietness of it all, that's when God has put the pieces together and connected it for me. When I looked back on everything that God has brought me through in my lifetime, I cried.
He has brought me through so many things in my life and He has been there through it all even when I sometimes wondered where He was.
Here lately God has called so many precious lives around me home. While going to the funeral services and hearing about the positive impact that that person made on this world and the lives of those around them, it makes you think.
A few weeks ago, God put it in my spirit that something Big was about to happen. Something good. I didn't know what it would be, but I've held onto that promise. This week I have really felt God working in my life more than ever. While on my way home from class last night, singing at the top of my lungs like I normally do, two songs hit me really hard. In that moment I knew that if something were to happen and I were to die that very next minute, I would leave this world happy. I have had a full life filled with wonderful people. I have met some of the most amazing people. I have crossed so many things off of my bucket list. I have accomplished everything that I have ever wanted to do. I feel like I have helped bring people closer to God and tried to shine a light in the darkness that we sometimes find ourselves lost in.
I feel like I have made some kind of difference and loved with all of my heart and I have felt that very same love. I feel like I have led a full life and if God called me home tomorrow, I am ready. I know that Jesus lives in my heart and that God has always been there beside me, guiding me along. And if my whole purpose in this life was to bring one person closer to God, to help one heart be saved and to remind one soul of how much they are loved by someone that will never leave nor forsake them, then I have lived a full life. Every stumble and heartache has been worth it.
I had always questioned when a person was to be baptized. In that moment while singing that song and God showing me everything in my life and what He had brought me through and again wondering if I was ready to be baptized, "It's time." He said. I gave my heart to God a long time ago and have felt him molding me into the person He created me to be, but me being baptized is an outwardly way to show what I already know in my heart. That God sent His only Son to die for my sins and for the sins of every person in this world that has ever been and will ever be. He is The One that created me. Every day for the rest of my life I will live for Him and try to be an instrument He uses and a light in the darkness. I will speak up for His truth and testify to love.
It wasn't just 2 songs that changed my life, it was a lifetime of little and big things and kindness that reminded me of how much God loves me.
With that being said, be a light in the darkness. Listen to that still small voice that is God and be the answer to someone's prayers. Show that small act of kindness to a complete stranger. Be the one that shows the love of God and Jesus here on this earth. After all, it wasn't just 2 songs that changed my life. It was simple acts of kindness and many brave voices that spoke up for God and spoke His truth into my life and answered prayers that they probably didn't even know they were answering at the time.
Be the change you want to see in the world. Do for one, what you wish you could do for millions and don't ever think that what you do goes unnoticed. No matter how big or small the action, YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE! I love you!