Thursday, April 3, 2014

Hi, my name is Breiah. I will be your tour guide today.

Last week I was asked if I wanted to work at the "Southeastern Indian Festival" for my Tribe. I said yes and the more I thought about it, I half heartedly hoped that they would have more than enough workers and I wouldn't be needed. That didn't happen and I realized it would be a great experience for me.

Yesterday I found out that I, along with many others were to be a tour guide for the students during their field trip. This scared me quite a bit. How many kids? What am I to say? I need to brush up on my history. I was pretty much freaking out thinking that I would do horrible as a tour guide.

8:00am the tour guides are standing at the gates holding signs with the name of our grades on it. I had the fourth grade group. I didn't think it would be but maybe about 20 kids at most. Wrong! I had 4 teachers and 84 children! The whole time I am freaking out inside afraid that I will mess up and get their lunch time wrong, or they wouldn't learn anything or that they would be bored.
Boy, was I wrong! I prayed for God to guide me, and that is exactly what He did.

At one point, I got scared when the 84 kids started lining up in front of me and looking at me. Then I realized that it was "follow the leader" and I was that leader.
They danced, learned many new things, got their lunch on time, made a craft and were on their busses with ten minutes to spare.

1,000 or so kids came through the gates today. 1,000 more will come tomorrow. The teachers remained calm and we made it through!

"I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me."
Philippians 4:13

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Take a chance already!

I tend to be shy around those I don't know. And sometimes having a conversation with someone I don't know can make me nervous because I'm afraid I will say something dumb.
So you can imagine that the nervousness and the fear, gets really strong when it comes to talking to a guy I like.
Tongue tied, jitters and red faced is the look I wear at these times. It's because of this that I often don't say what I want to.

I finally got to meet this guy that I've been friends with online for awhile. He is super sweet, kind and he actually remembered me. We had a short conversation. But when I went to talk, I didn't say nearly everything I wanted to. And then he had to go. The next day I wanted to walk up and speak to him. But the fear and "what if's" kept me from doing so. "What if he's busy? I will just be bothering him. He's probably just really nice to everyone he talks to. He is way out of my league."

Then Saturday came to an end and my chances to speak to him were gone. And unless The Lord ever wants our paths to cross again, I may not see him again. This is one of those moments that I wish I were brave, courageous, took a chance and let the pieces fall where they may.

This is definitely the scene from the movie "Sleepover" where Julie thinks Steve is out of her league and she doesn't think she has a chance with him. But in the end, he got on stage and asked her to dance. But that's just in the movies.

I need to work on being braver and taking more chances. I guess posting this is taking a chance.

Who do you think I am?

Every day we go on our Facebook pages and update. We share, photo's, places we go, things we do, thoughts and many other things. But rarely do we think of what our pages tell others about us. Who do they think you are by just looking at your page?

Recently, I have pondered this thought. What does my page say about me? When someone goes on my page, who do they think I am? So I went back through the highlights of my Facebook page. And besides my "About Me",this is what I found

God is very important to me. I have shared times God has brought me through stuff, things he has shown and taught me. And I have shared my testimony.

Family is important to me as well. We may not get together as much as we should. And we may be separated by miles or county's. But it's good to know that there are people out there that love and care for you. And share the same crazy genetics as you.

I love to make things. Maybe a little to much. But still, I love to be crafty and make something beautiful out of something simple. I love to share the things I create on my page.

I am Native American(Mvskoke). I love to rock my moccasins( shoes, not snakes), sit around and make baskets. And there were those two awesome years that I was a princess for my tribe and those times changed my life in so many ways.

I post crazy/humorous things. Mostly because I love to make people laugh and you never know when someone is feeling down or has had a bad day and needs a laugh. Sometimes people don't understand my humor. And that's okay to.

I quite possibly have an obsession with going to concerts. And I don't think there is a cure. But I'm okay with that.

I love to write. I write what God gives me. I also write songs. And sometimes I share those songs on my page. It takes a lot for me to post them. I tend to be very critical of what others might think about them.

And the last thing I noticed is that once in a while, I do something unexpected and adventurous that makes people wonder if they really know all there is to know about me.