Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Day #21 If I had a reality show

21)   How would you pitch a reality show about yourself? To what network?

For awhile there, I was pretty clumsy and my life was very dramatic. A friend once suggested that a tv crew should follow me around.

I would pitch it to Hallmark. It would be about a young woman that is trying to find out who she is and where her place is in this world. A young woman who tries to make a difference everywhere she goes. Someone who's made her fair share of mistakes but is learning the lessons from those mistakes. She took the long way around to get to where she was going, but she uses it as part of her testimony. She's living and learning. Her mission in life is to make people smile.

Day #20 Worst heart break

20)   Describe your most difficult breakup and what you learned from it.

To have a breakup, you would have technically had to date someone. I've never dated anyone. But I've had my heart broken twice. The first break hurt. I cried, got angry, lived in denial, then I accepted it for what it was and what it wasn't.

The second heart break was the worst. I think that it hurt worst because he was my best friend. He helped me through the first heart break and was constant in my life. I relied on him and he relied on me. We talked about our dreams, our fears, the scars that made us who we are. I didn't realize what he meant to me until he wasn't there anymore. When I realized what he meant to me, that's when it hurt the worst. It took me 7 years to realize what he meant to me. And three to see it for what it was and what it wasn't.

I know now that those people aren't who God has meant for me. They were a chapter in my life that taught me many things. I thank God for the friendships, that laughter, the lessons and the heart breaks. They all served a purpose in my life. And for that, I'm thankful.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Day #19 You'd be surprised to know that...

19)   What is something about you that people would be surprised to learn?

I'm not sure if there is anything that I haven't shared with people. 

But, one thing would be that when I was younger, I was ashamed to be Native American. I would over hear people talking about tribal people that were on drugs, drank all of the time, didn't take care of their children. Anything negative, I overheard it in public. It was never positive.

In my mind as a child, I thought that if people knew I was Native American, that they would think I would be just like those people that they described and gossiped about. And I believed that for a short while. Then God showed me that the reason that those people believed that was who we were as Native Americans, was because that was all they saw and heard. He showed me that I had to help be part of the change. I should be proud of who I was as a Native American and put myself out there and be a positive representation of my people. I had to change their minds.

That next year, I ran for princess for my Tribe and the rest is history. It taught me how to be a positive representative of my people and a role model. I strive to change the stereotype that people have in their mind of Native Americans. I am proud of my heritage! Never again, will I be ashamed.

Day #18 Letter to myself in High-school

18)   If you could have a conversation with yourself in high school, what would you say?
What I'm about to say may sound crazy now, but please believe me.
I know that you feel down thinking that nobody understands you, but you're wrong. Keep writing what's in your heart. Not every guy you meet will have your best interest at heart. Sometimes they really care and sometimes they just mess things up. But talk to them anyway. Love the moment that you're in. They will break your heart and it will hurt, but you will be fine. They weren't meant for you. Forgive them, pray for them and move on. They inspired you to write beautiful songs and all was not lost. Run for princess. When you do, it will bring you closer to God. You will meet some amazing people and see some beautiful things. The friendships that you create, cherish them and hold them close to your heart. There is more that I could say, but just know that God is with you every step of the way. Don't be afraid. You will end up exactly where you are supposed to be. Everything serves a purpose. And most of all, remember that You Are Loved.

Day #17 My beliefs are the core of my relationships

17)   What are your spiritual beliefs and how do they impact your relationships/relationship status?

I believe in God and I believe that He sent His only Son Jesus, to this earth to die on the cross for our sins. It's as simple as that.

How does what I believe impact my relationship status?

I know that God created me and He knows every step I will ever take on this earth. I know that as one of His children, He wants what is best for me. I believe that He created someone who is meant for me. I pray every night for that person.

How does my spiritual beliefs impact the relationships that I have with people in my life?

I know that if it wasn't for God leading me, many of those people wouldn't be in my life now.

I pray that He helps me to understand them better, to see things from their point of view. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Day #16 Time Capsule

16)   If you planted a time capsule right now of your life to be opened in 20 years, what would be in it?

Hopes and dreams. I would put some songs that I've wrote this year, a letter to myself, a USB of my music library, a letter to my future husband, my Kellie Pickler red high heel keychain, my bucket list, a teal ribbon, old concert tickets and many other things.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Day #14 I am happiest when....

14)   Describe the last moment you felt really, truly blissful.

That's easy, just a few moments ago when I was preparing for a kindness project.

I am my happiest when I know that something I did is going to make someone smile.

If we have the ability to make someone smile, shouldn't we?
After all, wouldn't we want someone to do the same for us if presented with the opportunity?

Day #13 She is irreplaceable

13)   Describe how you met the last person you texted and talk about your friendship/relationship.

The last person that I texted wished for me to be in this world with them. Isn't that a great feeling to know that before you were even born, someone threw coins in a fountain and wished for you?

The last person I texted was my sister. She wanted to know if she should buy shoes online or should she try them on in the store. It may be 1:20am, but this is the kind of conversations that we have.

She is my best friend and one of my missions in life is for her to see herself the way that I see her and for her to see how truly strong, beautiful and amazing that she is. She deserves so much more than she even realizes. 

I love her so much. And if I was to have been born before her, I would have thrown coins in a fountain wishing for her, just as she wished for me.

Day #12 Let your light shine

12)   Your proudest accomplishment.

It would be when I got up in front of a room full of people and sang a song I wrote.

It is on my bucket list and I am glad that I could check it off.

I was nervous and shaking. But I prayed for God to give me the strength and He did.

When I get nervous, I remember getting up on stage and praying for God to shine through me and I'm okay. He is always there helping and guiding us along.

Day #11 Was that a date?

11)   Your worst/funniest/most embarrassing date.

Technically, I have never been on a date. It was never called that. The guy just asked me to the movies and I went.

I wasn't old enough to drive so my sister drove me to the theater and stayed.
The whole time, the guy tried to hold my hand and I kept giggling and moved my hand. It was just weird to me.

The other almost date. The guy showed up at my house, ate a whole bowl of candy that I had at my house. He wanted to watch a scary movie. He got scared, I didn't. My mother and father were in the living room as well and my father fell asleep and started snoring.
Then I had to follow the guy home to make sure he made it, because his mothers car wasn't driving well.

I am still waiting for a nice guy to ask me out on a proper date.

Day #10 BCA

10)   Google the meaning of your name and talk about how it fits or doesn’t fit you.

My name means



Son of Adam.

I'm not sure how I feel about the meaning of my first name. I've never thought of my self as a beautiful person. A beautiful heart? I try. But that's the only beauty that matters to me.

Athletic, I've never been athletic. Never liked to break a sweat. Partly because I don't sweat like I'm supposed to and I end up overheating because my body can't cool down normally.

I'm a girl. So the last doesn't fit either

Friday, October 10, 2014

Day #9 It may be weird, but I love it!

9)      Your favorite “weird/funny single behavior” – Anything you do that is uniquely YOU and that living alone allows you to do.

I live with my parents and sister. But something weird that I like to do is record TimeLife music commercials and sing along to the clips of songs that they play.

It makes me happy.

Luckily for me, my sister loves to do the same thing.

We make it a dance/sing along 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Day #8 Top Five

8)      Five things that are most important to you in a future mate.

1. It is important that he has a relationship with God.

2.We should have meaningful conversations.

3.Sense of humor, but know when to stop a joke.

4.He must instill good Godly values in our children.

5.He should be compassionate.

Day #7 Where I am vs Where I thought I'd Be

7)      Where you are in your life vs. where you thought you would be at this point.

A few years ago, I thought I knew exactly how my life would be right now. But I was wrong.

I imagined that I would be in college at the University of Alabama, I would have a boyfriend and have already auditioned for American Idol. That hasn't happened. None of it.

I am currently working on my GED, just been diagnosed as ADD, I plan on attending Auburn University in 2 years, I have never had a boyfriend and I haven't tried out for American Idol.

When I was younger, I thought people that were 20 had everything figured out. But now I am here at almost 21 and I don't have life figured out. I just now found out what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I am still working on me.

The timeline that I had for my life was a lot different than the one that God had for my life.

I am so thankful that God's plans are always better than mine. 

Day #6 We Have What We Accept

6)      Sound off on the quote “Every woman has the exact love life she wants”

I guess it is true. I mean, think about it. We have exactly what we accept from others, from love, from the world. But I am still conflicted on this question.

Ask me again in a month and I may have a different answer.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Day #5 Single Isn't Lonely

5)    The biggest misconception you think people have about single life.

I guess the biggest misconception would be that single is lonely.

I don't think "lonely" is the right word though. I think it is just longing. You hear a friend tell you how sweet her boyfriend is or you see a couple holding hands and laughing and you long for the same thing.

For awhile, I thought it was lonely, but now, I see it as dreaming of the day when you can experience those things. I look at being single, as a time to grow. It's a time to get to know who I am as a person and what I need out of life. It's a time for me to see why I'm scared of certain things and face those fears.

Being single is a time to grow. It's not lonely.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Day #4 Biggest Fear

4)      Your biggest fear as a single person.

Sometimes I worry that I am too picky(as some like to call it). I worry that I am being too stubborn on my definition of what a husband should be.
I worry that I may have already met that person and I disregarded them because they didn't fit my standards. I worry that I've met them and my fear of rejection is keeping us apart, because I'm afraid of how it will all turn out if I make the first move. I worry that I won't know how to have a relationship with someone. I worry that I will never meet that person. I also worry that I will fall in love with someone, but they won't love me.

Don't we all have the same fear? Being alone.

Day#3 Single is Great

3)      Describe a moment or a day when being single was really awesome.

I guess that I could say being single is awesome every day that I learn something new about myself, when I can make plans without consulting with someone first and when I can do what ever I want to do and not have to worry about someone's feelings. 

Day #2 Sometimes Being Single Sucks

"The Single Woman’s 30-Day Blogging Challenge"

2) Describe a moment or a day when being single really sucked.

I would have to say that most recently, it was a Brad Paisley concert that I attended. A friend at the time picked the concert. It was her, her husband, my sister and I. The day was pretty great. But then as the concert began, my sister and I realized that it was a couples concert. It was awkward. Everyone was holding hands and dancing to the love songs and I was just ready to be home.

But I guess those awkward moments will make me just appreciate it all that much more when I do meet someone.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Single Woman’s 30-Day Blogging Challenge Day #1

I told myself before the year began, that this would be the year that my life changed and that I would be as open and honest as possible.

I accept the challenge given by Mandy Hale(The Single Woman), to do"The Single Woman’s 30-Day Blogging Challenge".

Day #1
1) Your response to everyone’s favorite question: “And why are YOU still single?”
Well, sarcastically, my response is "It's hard to juggle a school, life and a boyfriend, when I'm hitting the poles every night." But honestly, I'm not a stripper. But I can only imagine the looks I would get if that was my actual response. My honest answer as to why I'm still single is that I am still waiting on God. I gave my heart to Him and I am trusting Him to take care of it and help it find the right person. 
It's hard at times, it gets lonely and I wish I had someone to watch movies with and hold my hand. But that will happen in God's timing. Though, I often wonder if my fear of telling someone how I feel, is keeping me in limbo and its up to me to say "Hey, I like you. You want to give this a shot or not?". 
But until then, I am single because I deserve the best person for me. Someone who compliments who I am and for me to compliment their life. We should bring out the best in each other and until I feel those butterflies, see fireworks, hear a choir sing and lose my footing, I'm okay with being a Single Woman.