Monday, July 14, 2014

Searching for that perfect word

I have always been one to have strange analogies about things. I understand things differently than most. I guess that I've always been that way..

A few years ago, the analogy of love being like a word search puzzle came to me.
Here it is.

Love is like a word search puzzle. You are looking for that perfect word. And each time you scan the page, you get a little bit closer. First you find the first two letters, you keep looking around those first two letters trying to make a connection with the rest of the word, but it doesn't work. It's got two letters you need but it's not the perfect word. Once you give up on the two letters you found, you see four letters of the word you need and they were close to the last two you found. You keep trying to connect those four letters in every direction you can think of but it never works out. And you get frustrated and by this point you want to give up. But then, when you thought it was hopeless, there it is, the perfect word. It was close to all of those almost perfect words. It took finding those almost perfect words to lead you to the perfect word.
Love is the same way. While on our search for the one that God has for us in this world, we often find something similar to what we want. But don't be deceived by the similarity. Just because that person has some of the qualities that you are looking for, doesn't mean that you should stop searching. It does mean that you are closer. But don't overlook the bad of that person just because they have a few of the qualities that you were looking for. You will find them. And each time you get your heart broken, it just means that you are that much more closer to finding the one God intended for your heart. That perfect word is out there. Don't give up!

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